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Patient & Family Advisory Council

PFAC Mission Statement

Valley View Hospital’s Patient and Family Advisory Council will uphold our patient first philosophy and demonstrate these values by involving staff, patients, and families. We will collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences to yield a range of perspectives that are essential for identifying gaps and opportunities to improve the experience for all patients.

A patient and family advisor is someone who:

  • Has been a recent patient or family member of a patient (last two years or so)
  • Has both positive and constructive feedback
  • Wants to see VVH be as best as we can be
  • Will be positive spokespeople in the community
  • Is a respectful listener
  • Is a good participant in a group setting

Why become a patient and family advisor?

  • Our advisors provide a voice that represents all patients and families of patients who receive care at Valley View.
  • We want to hear your ideas on how to make sure Valley View is delivering the best care possible.

What does a patient and family advisor do?

  • Share your experiences and interactions that you have had at Valley View.
  • Partner with hospital staff to help improve the patient experience and quality of care at Valley View through group discussions.
  • Work on short-term projects alongside Valley View staff that help improve hospital quality and safety.
  • What are the expectations of a family advisor?
  • This is a volunteer role.
  • Meetings are 4 times per year, approx.. 1 hour long during lunch hours. This is subject to change as we meet our members.
  • Members will have a term limit of two years.
  • We hope to have around 10 members, including Valley View staff. We will train all members on roles/responsibilities as they join.


Call: Michelle at 970.384.8046 or Jo at 970.384.6954

Please fill out the application so we can learn more about you.

We will give you a call after we have received your application – we look forward to meeting you!
